My Little Red Book





by: Stephanie Armstrong


Keep Going. There comes a point in the creative process where the end looks impossibly far. I have found that the best results come from not accepting what is “good enough” but reaching for greatness. Don’t have a million unfinished projects. If you start something then finish it!


Get Out of Your Bubble. Great ideas do not all come from one place. Go outside. volunteer. Find a new hobby. Just do something out of the norm. This will awaken a whole multitude of new ideas and dreams. How will you know whats out there if you don’t look?


Have Opinionated Friends. It’s really nice getting an ego boost from your friends, but I really value the friends who challenge me. It doesn’t necessarily mean I will change anything but it is good to get a second opinion. Especially from non-creatives who probably will ask “what is that?”


Push Past the Obvious. Channel your inner rebel kid who colored the sun purple and the grass blue. Don’t always assume the easy route. Always ask yourself  “Why not?” If Sally from accounting can come up with the same idea then you aren’t diving deep enough.


Don’t be Afraid of White Space. The biggest lesson I have learned is don’t create a cluttered mess. It’s okay to have more space than content. Relax. there is such a thing as over designing. Don’t do it. Just because your mind is a crazy mess don’t take it out on your creative content!


Bubble Baths. I did not say take a plain bath.. It must be a bubble bath. Mainly cause that makes it fun. This is the best way to relax and pamper yourself. Its very important to unwind and weed through your stress. get a rubber duck and tell him about your problems. They’re great listeners.


All Funny Business. If you don’t bring a sense of humor into your creative process then you will be a sad lonely soul. No one wants to work with a Debbie downer. Also no one wants to hire someone who doesn’t laugh at their jokes. It’s just weird. So when in doubt smile and wave, boys.


Travel Often. A change of scenery always brings with it new colors, ideas, and understanding. Experience life to the fullest and explore. Can’t afford it? Go travel one hour and see where you end up. It’s not about where you go but the adventure that follows. Take that leap and go forth.


All Work and all Play. There is a time to hunker down and a time to cultivate creativity. You need both in order to succeed. One without the other has never helped me reach my full potential. All play equals an all nighter. All work equals a boring outcome. Find that balance!


Stay Current. This is the most important part of the creative process. Always stay up-to-date with your favorite companies, the news within your industry, and of what is happening in pop culture. Always be able to discuss topics that are with the times and not old news. Who knows? You just might see a gap and seize that opportunity!