
Graduate School Program For Creative Professionals in Miami

  Are you dreaming of a career in Advertising? Do you see yourself as an Art Director or Copywriter at a top ad agency in a big city like New York or Miami? If this sounds like you, then the Global Strategic Communications Creative Track Master’s Program at Florida International University in partnership with world-renowned […]

By |2017-03-31T18:21:00-04:00March 31st, 2017|Advertising, Art Direction, Career Development, Creative Development, Creative Strategy, Digital Marketing and Advertising, Recommendations|Comments Off on Graduate School Program For Creative Professionals in Miami

Things Mad Men Gets Right AND Wrong About Working at an Ad Agency

People who worked in the advertising industry in the 1960s didn’t imagine their jobs and lifestyles would be glamorized and portrayed on a hit television show in the 21st century. But, it happened, and now people who were not a part of that world want to know: how true to life is AMC’s Mad Men? […]

By |2017-02-20T17:56:51-05:00February 20th, 2017|Advertising|Comments Off on Things Mad Men Gets Right AND Wrong About Working at an Ad Agency

Don’t Overlook Your 20’s

Ted Talks is devoted to ideas worth spreading. My favorite Ted Talk is one that is geared towards people in their 20’s. Being 24, I am starting to develop a sense of who I am, where I want to go, and where I want to be. Meg Jay spoke about how the 20’s are often […]

By |2016-05-20T11:42:42-04:00May 20th, 2016|A brand called you, Ad/ Creative Campaigns, Advertising, Art Direction, Career Development, Creative Development, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Don’t Overlook Your 20’s

Being creative is just like skateboarding

Being creative is just like skateboarding. Why? Because you need to be INNOVATIVE. Rodney Mullen, professional skateboarder, demonstrates this in his Ted Talk, which can be found here. I learned how to speak with passion from Rodney Mullen. Just listen to the way he talks about skateboarding. You can feel his heart in his voice when he […]

By |2016-05-19T13:43:49-04:00May 19th, 2016|Advertising, Art Direction, Career Development, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Being creative is just like skateboarding

What Do Zephyrhills Water and Halloween Have in Common?

What does Zephyrhills Water and Halloween Have in Common?   I love to dress up all the time and design my own costumes. Every year, I choose different materials as my inspiration to design my next creation. This year, I decided that I would use plastic water bottles as the main material for my Halloween […]

By |2016-05-18T14:30:28-04:00May 18th, 2016|A brand called you, Ad/ Creative Campaigns, Advertising, Art Direction, Creative Freedom, Hobbies and Creativity, Uncategorized|Comments Off on What Do Zephyrhills Water and Halloween Have in Common?

Unique Costume for Sale

Alien Costume If you want to be the center of attention this Halloween, you might have found the right costume. This Alien costume is a unique piece of art designed by the well recognized creative costume designer Janneth Rodriguez. This two piece costume is handmade and has been carefully crafted by this talented designer. The delicate pieces […]

By |2016-03-30T15:19:50-04:00March 30th, 2016|Advertising, Art Direction, Creative Freedom, Hobbies and Creativity, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Unique Costume for Sale

How to Speak in Public with NO FEAR

1. BREATHE. Sounds silly but breathing exercises prior to public speaking will help keep you centered. During your presentation, it will also help you keep your pace, let you collect your thoughts, and give the audience a chance to catch up. 2. Be prepared! Be prepared! Be prepared! You will know it and the audience […]

By |2016-02-24T08:05:08-05:00February 24th, 2016|Advertising, Career Development, Recommendations, Tips and Short cuts, Uncategorized|Comments Off on How to Speak in Public with NO FEAR

LA vs. Miami

1. THE WEATHER LA is the clear winner in this category. Florida is called the Sunshine State but that isn’t even accurate. After living here for a couple months I have realized rain comes whenever it feels like it for however long it feels like. Also, humidity is quite possibly the reason that television was […]

By |2016-02-12T12:32:57-05:00February 12th, 2016|Advertising, Art Direction, Creative Freedom, Creative Strategy, Hobbies and Creativity, Uncategorized|Comments Off on LA vs. Miami

Wave Hello to New Friends

WAVE HELLO. I recently just made a big move from Los Angeles to Miami for graduate school. Although I am making friends through school, I am finding that it is relatively hard to meet new people. Often I find myself thinking that there should be an easier way to meet people. One of the easiest […]

By |2016-02-03T09:40:01-05:00February 3rd, 2016|Advertising, Art Direction, Creative Development, Creative Strategy, The life of a Creative, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Wave Hello to New Friends

My Little Red Book

      CREATIVE MANIFESTO by: Stephanie Armstrong Keep Going. There comes a point in the creative process where the end looks impossibly far. I have found that the best results come from not accepting what is “good enough” but reaching for greatness. Don’t have a million unfinished projects. If you start something then finish […]