Art Direction

LA vs. Miami

1. THE WEATHER LA is the clear winner in this category. Florida is called the Sunshine State but that isn’t even accurate. After living here for a couple months I have realized rain comes whenever it feels like it for however long it feels like. Also, humidity is quite possibly the reason that television was […]

By |2016-02-12T12:32:57-05:00February 12th, 2016|Advertising, Art Direction, Creative Freedom, Creative Strategy, Hobbies and Creativity, Uncategorized|Comments Off on LA vs. Miami

What inspires me and makes me crazy at the same time?

Getting leis, wigs and other things… What inspires me and makes me crazy at the same time? At simple sight, I’m just a regular girl. I don’t seem too extroverted or talkative and sometimes I can be a little shy. Only those who get to talk to me or spend time with me around the […]

By |2016-02-04T10:36:49-05:00February 4th, 2016|Art Direction, Creative Freedom, Hobbies and Creativity, The life of a Creative, Uncategorized|Comments Off on What inspires me and makes me crazy at the same time?

Wave Hello to New Friends

WAVE HELLO. I recently just made a big move from Los Angeles to Miami for graduate school. Although I am making friends through school, I am finding that it is relatively hard to meet new people. Often I find myself thinking that there should be an easier way to meet people. One of the easiest […]

By |2016-02-03T09:40:01-05:00February 3rd, 2016|Advertising, Art Direction, Creative Development, Creative Strategy, The life of a Creative, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Wave Hello to New Friends

Enhance Your Creativity in 4 Steps

Enhance Your Creativity in 4 Steps While I was doing my undergrad in Biology, I would literally wait 364 days in a year in order to express my creativity. Halloween suddenly became the only window I had to escape from all the science books to finally be myself. Throughout the whole year, I would silently […]

By |2016-01-19T14:59:55-05:00January 19th, 2016|Art Direction, Creative Development, Creative Freedom, Hobbies and Creativity, The life of a Creative, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Enhance Your Creativity in 4 Steps

My Little Red Book

      CREATIVE MANIFESTO by: Stephanie Armstrong Keep Going. There comes a point in the creative process where the end looks impossibly far. I have found that the best results come from not accepting what is “good enough” but reaching for greatness. Don’t have a million unfinished projects. If you start something then finish […]

Review: Design for a Cause

This poster was made in my Visual Impact class at Miami Ad School, taught by Judy Penny. Judy Penny is an extremely talented creative who is also highly awarded in the field of advertising and design. I recommend seeing her work at She encourages you to push the boundaries of design while also ensuring you are […]

By |2015-05-25T17:13:30-04:00May 25th, 2015|Advertising, Art Direction, Creative Development, Creative Freedom, Graphic Design, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Review: Design for a Cause

What Am I Looking At? This piece is a little out there both in its titles (Taste me, Smell me, etc.) and the content of each link. When looking at each part as well as the whole thing overall it is not certain whether this work is more mysterious or confusing, but it is, nonetheless, intriguing. Looking at this […]

By |2015-05-23T17:12:19-04:00May 23rd, 2015|A brand called you, Advertising, Art Direction, Graphic Design, Hobbies and Creativity, Uncategorized, Web site design|Comments Off on What Am I Looking At?

Barnes and Noble Revamp

Brane’s & Noble is a well-known brand that is, unfortunately, slowly declining. The B&N brick-and-mortar stores is what makes the brand unique, as people still love the physical experience of being in a bookstore. However, the thing that sets Barnes and Noble apart from competitors like Amazon and Apple is what is also hindering the brand due […]

By |2015-05-22T16:50:21-04:00May 22nd, 2015|Ad/ Creative Campaigns, Advertising, Art Direction, Creative Strategy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Barnes and Noble Revamp

Barnes & Noble: The Brand Revival

  Bookstores are somewhat of a dying breed. While I myself am a lover of reading, the crushing burdens of adulthood have suspended most of my leisurely activities, so in a sense, I am guilty of contributing to their slow death. I suppose the only way I can atone for this sin is by contributing […]

By |2015-05-12T16:52:23-04:00May 12th, 2015|Ad/ Creative Campaigns, Advertising, Art Direction, Collaboration, Creative Planning, Creative Strategy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Barnes & Noble: The Brand Revival

The “Good Hair-Met”

Ever had a bad hair day? Personally, I seem to have those all the time. I have developed some techniques throughout the years to try to avoid it, such as not washing my hair right before going to sleep, or putting on a hat for half an hour in an attempt to put it all […]