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The Herbert and Nicole Wertheim School of Music & Performing Arts and the Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU present Jewish works in collaboration with members of FIU’s Ensemble-in-Residence the Amernet String Quartet, FIU faculty artists and other distinguished concert artists. For this performance, Cantor David Muchnik of Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center, also a FIU alumnus, joins the Amernet Quartet for a program of Zeitlin songs in Yiddish and liturgical repertoire.


Ticket Prices: $15 Non-Members; $10 JMOF-FIU Members; FREE for FIU Students (with valid i.d.)

To RSVP or For More Information: info@jewishmuseum.com or 786-972-3175




cantor-muchnikCantor Muchnick received his Cantorial investiture from Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion School of Sacred Music in 2000. Having grown up in North Miami Beach,Cantor Muchnick attended the University of Miami, where he earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Education and Judaic Studies. Cantor Muchnick continued his studies at Florida International University where he earned a Masters Degree in Music Education and Choral Conducting.

Cantor Muchnick has served as cantor of The Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center since 2003. During these years, Cantor Muchnick has created a musical ‘Friday Night Live” program that has quickly become a well attended service for all generations. In addition, Cantor Muchnick has developed supplementary High Holy Day services geared for young families, congregational participation and musical inspiration.

Cantor Muchnick serves as the bridge between the Synagogue, Tauber Academy and the Jewish community at large. He is also responsible for teaching the Bar and Bat Mitzvah students and overseeing the B’nei Mitzvah program and the Hebrew High program. In May of 2005, Cantor Muchnick was appointed as the Religious School Director and looks forward to its continued success and growth.

 Cantor Muchnick is married to his beautiful wife, Dena Muchnick, and they are blessed with five beautiful children, Sophie, Jonah, Alexa, Jordan and Emersyn.

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