


Crossing Boundaries: Music and Medicine

Herbert and Nicole Wertheim Performing Arts Center Recital Hall 10910 SW 17th St., Room 150 (FIU's Modesto A. Maidique Campus), Miami, FL, United States

CROSSING BOUNDARIES: Music and Medicine Music and Art In the Times of Plague and Epidemics Guest Speaker: Hector Bolivar, M.D.  This is a multimedia lecture that crossovers between many disciplines. It reminds us of the devastating effect of plagues in human history and illustrates how art, in its multiple manifestations, is one of the most powerful [...]


MIGF 2019: Lutorama by David Dolata

Herbert and Nicole Wertheim Performing Arts Center Instrumental Hall 10910 SW 17th St., miami, FL, United States

The 2019 Miami International GuitART Festival presents a lecture on “Lutorama” by lutenist and musicologist David Dolata who will take you on a tour through his lutes where he explains the instrument’s evolution in response to the repertoire and the differences among them and plays some Renaissance and Baroque pieces on each of them. The Bulletin [...]
