We recommend beginning your search at FIU’s Financial Aid Office. Here, you will be able to contact a financial aid administrator who will be well equipped to answer your questions. It maintains a list of invaluable resources that will help you better understand what type of aid is available to you and how to apply. These opportunities include loans, grants, scholarships, federal work study programs and more.

Academic works Website Image

School of Music Scholarships

The School of Music makes a number of awards directly to full-time music majors who enter with a high school or transfer GPA of 3.0 or better and maintain that GPA threshold at FIU.  These are merit scholarships, based on the performing abilities of the applicant and on the needs of individual performance areas. School of Music scholarships are meant to supplement other sources of aid available from within and outside the university; they are not meant to cover all costs.  Awards typically range from 20% to 75% of in-state tuition (10% to 33% of out-of-state tuition).


The School gives priority to applicants who audition at or prior to our March auditions (usually the first Saturday in March) and have already applied to the University.  The School will consider later auditionees and applicants on a first-come, first-serve basis, subject to the needs of individual performing areas.


Additionally, the School of Music sets aside money for at least six $1000 scholarships per semester to be given to an undergraduate or graduate music student based on the recommendation of the Music Education faculty. The student will work 3 hours per week with the Miami Music Project, teaching and coaching music to the children in their program. Recipients must be full-time students and maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better.


Scholarship money is also raised through performances and other initiatives.


Graduate Foundation Scholarships

The scholarships are given to full-time graduate students in music who maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better.  All graduate students who are accepted into the School of Music are automatically considered. There is no application. These are merit-based, rather than need-based. The number of scholarships and their amount varies from year to year. Students are selects based on the current needs of the School of Music. Recipients provide service to the School of Music each semester the scholarship is offered.  This may involve performing in an extra ensemble, performing for a special FIU event, or performing a music-oriented community service in the public schools.


These scholarships include:

Felix Memorial Music School Endowment | Evelyn Spiltany General Music Endowment

Spector-Lieff Music School Endowment | Herbert Wertheim Performing Arts School Endowment

FIU Arts Council Music School Endowment | School of Music Faculty Scholarship

Joel Glaser String Scholarship | Jazz Studies Program


Nancy and David Uber Music Scholarship

The amount of $1000 will be awarded to a full-time student in the School of Music (minimum of 9 credits). Applicants must submit a 90- 120 second video demonstrating musical talent (recorded to CD/DVD).

Scholarship guidelines: All recipients must have a minimum 2.0 GPA, be a US citizen, and write an essay of 150 words or less on their aspirations.


Johnny Mercer Foundation Fellowships in Music Education

A partnership between FIU and the Johnny Mercer Foundation will award $20,000 in annual scholarships dedicated to the Masters in Music education Program. Two to four fellows will be selected each year, receiving highly competitive grants. For further information please contact Associate Professor and Associate Director of the School of Music Dr. Patrick Schmidt at pschmi@fiu.edu.


Other Opportunities

Institutional Scholarships: These are given by the College of Communication, Architecture + The Arts Dean’s office.  The current total per year is $100,000. These are given to full-time undergraduates who maintain a 3.0 GPA or better.  There is no application.  Students are automatically considered, awards are allocated based on the needs to our various curricular areas, and recipients are expected to provide music service.


Linkage Institutes

International students from certain countries can apply to certain institutes (e.g., the Florida-Caribbean Institute, the Florida-Mexico Institute, and many others) for a reduction of tuition to the in-state rate.  This represents savings of at least $10,000 a year.  You must apply by May 1.  In order to apply, you need to already have been accepted by FIU and received your I-20 Form.  Click here for more information.


University-Wide Scholarship Competition

This competition allows undergraduate students to be considered for various private scholarships that have been donated to FIU with one application, involving a two-page essay.  The deadline for this competition usually falls around May 1. Click here to learn more.