The SJMC faculty and staff approved this draft on January 16, 2014. The listed goals and objectives reflect the SJMC’s strategic areas, which are:

  1. Innovation–Teaching students the cutting-edge, multimedia skills they need to succeed in a rapidly changing media and communication environment.
  2. Community and Professional Engagement–Being a solutions-center for community organizations and the media industry; helping chart the path and define the future of the industry.
  3. Global Leadership–Educating students to become international leaders in their fields;reflecting the diversity of South Florida, the Americas and beyond.
  4. Professional Skills and Ethical Practices–Employing the teaching-hospital model of hands-on training, which best serves the students and our media partners; emphasizing excellence in writing, editing, and other essential communication skills.
  5. Research–Engaging in research and creative production that advances discovery and offers solutions and alternatives to real-life problems.


  1. Goal 1 : Strengthen the SJMC’s reputation nationally and internationally as a leader in media and global communication education in the Americas and the world.
    1. To position administrators and faculty as experts and thought leaders in the fields of journalism and communication.
    2. To encourage leadership in academic and professional organizations, major conferences and community development.
    3. To expand ongoing initiatives that enhance the school’s reputation as an innovative hub for addressing contemporary issues in journalism and communication, such as the Hispanic Communication Conference and the Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication.
  2. Goal 2 : Expand sources of revenue for the development and advancement of the SJMC and its faculty and staff.
    1. To develop an entrepreneurial culture that promotes self-sustaining initiatives.
    2. To develop additional revenue-generating activities, such as market-rate and certificate programs, online curriculum and workshops.
    3. To expand partnerships with foundations and corporations.
  3. Goal 3 : Advance the SJMC’s pioneering work as an innovative, technologically dynamic, programmatically progressive school.
    1. To increase opportunities for collaboration with academic and professional innovators–for example, the teaching hospital model.
    2. To enhance the school’s distinction in writing, oral and visual communication, critical thinking, and digital skills.
    3. To continuously develop curricula that reflect and anticipate changes in English and Spanish language media and the communication industries.
  4. Goal 4 : Advance the SJMC’s position as a global leader in multicultural education and engagement.
    1. To expand engagement in local and global communities in ways that promote diversity and serve underrepresented populations.
    2. To increase international education opportunities for students and faculty through activities such as study abroad programs and educational exchanges.
    3. To expand the training of Hispanic, Latin American and Caribbean communication professionals.
  5. Goal 5 : Work in concert with FIU’s mission as a Research 1 university.
    1. To encourage and increase original academic research and creative work to advance knowledge.
    2. To increase opportunities for grants and other resources for professional growth and development for faculty and staff.
    3. To expand graduate programs.
    4. To expand interdisciplinary collaborations.