Allan Richards


Associate Professor

Coordinator of the SCJ Language Skills Digital Program and Writing Center

Executive Editor for the SFNS

School of Communication and Journalism

Florida International University
Biscayne Bay Campus
3000 N.E. 151 Street, Academic I, Room 394
North Miami, FL 33181

T: (305) 919-5624


Master of Arts
Florida International University

Professional Activities

Former Associate Dean, Florida International University’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Director of the SCJ’s Language Skills/Writing Program

  • Led SJMC’s successful 2014/15 ACEJMC reaccreditation.
  • Coordinated SJMC’s participation in the 2015 Everglades Wilderness Writing Expedition with the Everglades National Park.
  • Developed the SJMC’s digital journalism program and the School’s digital-first newsmagazine,
  • Developed the SJMC’s digital language skills program with grant from the Ethics and Excellence in Journalism Foundation, and the SJMC’s Writing Center with grant from the Scripps Howard Foundation.
  • Co-founded SJMC’s award-winning South Florida News Service with The Miami Herald, The Sun-Sentinel and The Palm Beach Post. Awarded grants from McCormick Foundation and Scripps Howard Foundation.
  • Helped establish the New York Times Student Journalism Institute at SJMC.
  • Conceived SJMC’s Digital Rap Sessions—see . . . The Digital Rap Sessions, or how die-hard traditionalists and emerging media yahoos became One
  • Developed digital content projects with WPBT, Discovery Latin America and Univision.
  • Produced documentary “Lessons from South Africa” comparing media response to HIV/AIDS in South Africa and South Florida. Debuted at the Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival Aired on South Florida’s Public Broadcasting Station, WPBT.
  • Journalist, author, writing consultant
  • Awarded 2009 Kaiser Family Foundation Fellowship for Global Health Reporting on HIV/AIDS.
  • Judge, Scripps Howard National Journalism Awards 2007, 2009-2014.